
psiadmin — the ParaStation MPI administration and management tool


psiadmin [ -denqrsv? ] [ -c command ] [ -f program-file ] [ --usage ]


The psiadmin command provides an administrator interface to the ParaStation MPI system.

The command reads directives from standard input in interactive mode. The syntax of each directive is checked and the appropriate request is sent to the local ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8).

In order to send psiadmin into batch mode, either use the -c or the -f. The syntax of the directives is exactly the same as in interactive mode for both options.

Most of the directives listed below can be executed by general users. Only modifying parameters, killing foreign jobs and shutting down single nodes or the whole system requires root privilege.


-c , --command=command

Execute the single directive command and exit.


Do not automatically start up the local psid(8).

-e , --echo

Echo each executed directive to stdout.

-f , --file=program-file

Read commands from the file program-file. Exit as soon as EOF is reached.

It might be useful to enable echoing (-e) when acting on a script file.

This option silently enables the -q option suppressing the prompt.

-n , --noinit

Ignore the initialization file .psiadminrc.

-q , --quiet

Suppress printing the prompt each time waiting for a new command. This is useful in combination with the -f option.

-s , --start-all

Try to start all daemons within the cluster. This option is equivalent to the execution of the add directive straight after the startup of the administration tool.

-r , --reset

Do a reset of the ParaStation MPI system on startup.

-v , --version

Output version information and exit.

-? , --help

Show a help message.


Display a brief usage message.

Standard Input

The psiadmin command reads standard input for directives until end of file is reached, or the exit or quit directive is read.

Standard Output

If Standard Output is connected to a terminal, a command prompt will be written to standard output when psiadmin is ready to read a directive.

If the -e option is specified, psiadmin will echo the directives read from standard input to standard output.

Standard Error

The psiadmin command will write a diagnostic message to standard error for each error occurred.

Extended description

If psiadmin is invoked without the -c or -f option and standard output is connected to a terminal, psiadmin will repeatedly write a prompt to standard output and read a directive from standard input.

Directives can be abbreviated to their minimum unambiguous form. A directive is terminated by a new line character or a semicolon. Multiple directives may be entered on a single line. A directive may extend across lines by escaping the new line character with a back-slash "\".

Comments begin with the # character and continue to end of the line. Comments and blank lines are ignored by psiadmin.

Upon startup psiadmin tries to find the file .psiadminrc first in the current directory and then in the user's home directory. Only the first one found is really considered. Each directive found within this file is handled silently before going either into interactive or batch mode (using the -f flag).

Interactive directives

Whenever the psiadmin is started into interactive mode, it will prompt for directives unless the -q flag is used. The same directives are accepted in batch mode, too. Directives may be abbreviated as long as they are unique. They can be expanded using the TAB-key, analogous to some shell tab expansion features. A command history is stored in ~/.psiadm_history. See readline(3) for more information on command expansion and command history.

Almost all directives accept an optional parameter nodes. This contains either a comma-separated list of node ranges to act on, each of the form from[-to]. If the to part is missing, the single node from is represented by this range. In principle nodes might contain an unlimited number of ranges.

Otherwise the value of nodes might be all. Then all nodes of the ParaStation MPI cluster are selected within this directive.

If nodes is empty, the node range preselected via the range command is used. The default preselected node range contains all nodes of the ParaStation cluster.

The from and to parts of each range are node IDs. They might be given in decimal or hexadecimal notation and must be in the range between 0 and NumberOfNodes-1.

As an extension nodes might also be a hostname that can be resolved into a valid ParaStation MPI ID.


Using hostnames containing "-" might confuse this algorithm and is therefore not recommended.


Exit the interactive mode of psiadmin. Same as quit.

help [directive]

Print a help message concerning directive. If directive is missing, a general help message is displayed.

kill [-sig] tid

Send the process with the task ID tid the signal sig.

sig has to be a positive number representing a UNIX signal. For a list of available signals please consult the signal(7) manual page. If sig is not given, a SIGTERM signal (i.e. 15) is sent to the corresponding process.

Processes can only be signaled by their owner or by root.

list [ all | allproc [cnt count] | count [hw hw] | down | hardware | load | mcast | memory | node | proc [cnt count] | rdp | summary [max max] | up | version | startupscript | starttime | environment | rdpconnection | nodeupscript | nodedownscript ] [nodes]

list jobs [ state running | state pending | state suspended ] slots [tid]

Report various states of the selected node(s) or job(s). Depending on the given argument, different information can be requested from the ParaStation MPI system. If no argument is given, the node information is retrieved.


Show the information given by node, count and proc on the selected node(s).

allproc [cnt count]

Show all processes managed by the ParaStation MPI system on the selected node(s).

All processes - including forwarder and other special processes - managed by ParaStation MPI are displayed. If forwarder processes should not be displayed, use the list proc directive.

Up to count processes per node are displayed. If more processes are controlled by ParaStation MPI on this node, a short remark will tell the number of not displayed processes. The default is to show 10 processes.

The output fields of the process list are described within the list proc directive. In addition to the process classes described there, ParaStation MPI Forwarder processes, i.e. processes spawned by the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) in order to control a spawned process, are marked by “(F)” after the user ID. Further helper processes needed in order to spawn non ParaStation MPI applications are marked with “(S)”.

count [hw hw]

List the status of the communication system(s) on the selected node(s). Various counters are displayed.

If the hw option is given, only the counters concerning the hw hardware type are displayed. The default is to display the counters of all enabled hardware types on this node.


List all nodes which are marked as "DOWN".


Show the hardware setup on the selected node(s).

Besides the types of the communication hardware enabled within the ParaStation MPI system on each node also the number of available CPUs are displayed. The two numbers shown in this column mark the number of virtual and physical CPUs respectively. These number might differ due to technologies like Intel's HyperThreading or multi core CPUs.


Show the load and the number of processes managed by the ParaStation MPI system on the selected node(s).

The three load values displayed are the averages for 1, 5 and 15 minutes respectively. The two numbers of processes are as follows: The total number of processes contains all processes managed by the ParaStation MPI system, including Logger, Forwarder and psiadmin(1) processes. Furthermore of course the actual working processes started by the users are included. The latter ones are the “normal” processes, additionally displayed in the last column of the output.


List the status of the MCast facility of the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) on the selected node(s).


Show the overall and available memory on the selected node(s).


List the status of the selected node(s). Depending on the state of the ParaStation MPI daemons, the node(s) are marked to be "UP" or "DOWN".

proc [cnt count]

Show the processes managed by the ParaStation MPI system on the selected node(s).

Only user, logger and admin processes are displayed. If forwarder and other special processes should also be displayed, use the list allproc directive.

Up to count processes per node are displayed. If more processes are controlled by ParaStation MPI on this node, a short remark will tell the number of not displayed processes. The default is to show 10 processes.

The listed fields have the following meaning:


The ParaStation MPI ID of the node the process is running on.


The ParaStation MPI task ID of the process, both as decimal and hexadecimal number. The task ID of a process is unique within the cluster and is composed out of the ParaStation MPI ID of the node the process is running on and the local process ID of the process, i.e. the result of calling getpid(2).


The ParaStation MPI task ID of the parent process. The parent process is the one which has spawned the current process. If the process was not spawned by any other controlled by ParaStation MPI, i.e. it is the first process started within a parallel task, the parent ParaStation MPI task ID is 0.


Flag to mark if the process has reconnected to its local ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8). If a 1 is displayed, the process has connected the daemon, otherwise 0 is reported.


The user ID under which the process runs. This is usually identical to the user ID of the parent process.

Furthermore administrative processes, i.e. psiadmin(1) processes connected to a local daemon are marked with “(A)” after the user ID.

Logger processes, i.e. root processes of parallel tasks which converted to a ParaStation MPI Logger process, are tagged with “(L)” after the user ID.

System processes, which are not counted, are marked as “(*)”. Accounting processes are indicated by “(C)”. Other helper processes are marked with “(S)”.

jobs [ state running | state pending | state suspended ] [slots] [tid]

Show all or selected jobs managed by the ParaStation MPI system.

If selected, only jobs with state running, pending or suspended are shown. if slots is provided, node and CPU count information for this job is printed, too. If tid is given, information for this particular job is shown.

For each job, information about the RootTaskId, state (= 'R', 'P' or 'S'), size (= number of CPUs), UID, GID, target slots and start time is printed.


List the status of the RDP protocol of the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) on the selected node(s).

This directive now displays for each connection the state, the partner's IP-address, total number of frames sent, number of pending ACKs, number of pending frames, number of retransmissions of the frame in flight and total number of retransmission during connection. If collecting the RDP statistics is enabled, the mean-time to ACK is displayed, too.

summary [max max]

Print a brief summary of the active and down nodes. Thus the number of up and down nodes will be printed out in one line. If any node is down and the number of down nodes is less than 20 or max, then the node IDs of this nodes will also printed out in a second line.


List all nodes which are marked as "UP".


List the ID, psid revision and RPM version for the selected node(s).


Show the daemon's script called during startup in order to test the local situation on the selected nodes.


List the startup time of the ParaStation daemons currently running.

environment key env

List the daemons environment variable env and its value on the selected nodes. If key env is omitted, the entire environment will be displayed.


Show info on RDP connections on the selected nodes.


Show the daemon's script called on the master node whenever a daemon connects after being down before on the selected nodes.


Show the daemon's script called on the master node whenever a daemon disconnects on the selected nodes.


Exit the interactive mode of psiadmin. Same as exit.

range {[n1-n10] | [n1,n2,..] | all }

Preselect or display the default set of nodes

The range command is used to preselect a range of nodes. Any subsequent PSIAdmin commands issued after the range command will only be applied to those nodes defined in the range. Ranges can be specified as contiguous sets n1-n2 or as individual comma separated hosts n1,n2. Mixes of continuous sets and individual hosts are permitted as shown in the following example:

  PSIAdmin> range n1-n3,n5,n7-n10 

show { maxproc | user | group | psiddebug | selecttime | statustimeout | statusbroadcasts | deadlimit | rdpdebug | rdptimeout | rdppktloss | rdpmaxretrans | rdpresendtimeout | rdpretrans | rdpclosedtimeout | rdpmaxackpend | rdpstatistics | mcastdebug | master | freeonsuspend | fos | handleoldbins | hob | starter | runjobs | overbook | exclusive | pinprocs | bindmem | cpumap | allowUserMap | nodessort | supplementaryGroups | maxStatTry | adminuser | admingroup | accounters | accountpoll | rl_addressspace | rl_as | rl_core | rl_cpu | rl_data | rl_fsize | rl_locks | rl_memlock | rl_msgqueue | rl_nofile | rl_nproc | rl_rss | rl_sigpending | rl_stack } [nodes]

Show various parameters of the ParaStation MPI system.

accounters [nodes]

Show information on which node(s) ParaStation MPI accounting processes are running.

user [nodes]

Show who grants exclusive access on the selected node(s).

group [nodes]

Show which group grants exclusive access on the selected node(s).

maxproc [nodes]

Show the maximum number of ParaStation MPI processes on the selected node(s).

selecttime [nodes]

Show the timeout of the central select(2) of the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) on the selected node(s).

psiddebug [nodes]

Show the debugging mask of the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) on the selected node(s).

rdpdebug [nodes]

Show the debugging mask of the RDP protocol within the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) on the selected node(s).

rdpretrans [nodes]

Show the RDP retransmit counters off the selected node(s).

mcastdebug [nodes]

Show the debugging mask of the MCast protocol within the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) on the selected node(s).

master [nodes]

Show the current master on the selected node(s).

The master node's task is the management and allocation of resources within the cluster. It is elected among the running nodes during runtime. Thus usually all nodes should give the same answer to this question. In rare cases - usually during startup or immediately after a node failure - the nodes might disagree on the elected master node. This command helps on identifying these rare cases.

freeOnSuspend [nodes]

Show the freeOnSuspend flag on the selected nodes.

The freeOnSuspend flag steers the behavior of the resource management concerning suspended jobs. Basically there are two possible approaches: Either the resources used by the suspended job are freed for other jobs (this is done, if the flag is set to 1) or they are kept occupied in order to preserve them exclusively for the time the job continues to run (this is the behavior as long as the flag has the value 0).

Since the master node does all the resource management within the cluster, only the value on this node actually steers the behavior.

handleOldBins [nodes]

Show the compatibility flag for applications linked against version 4.0.x of ParaStation MPI on the selected nodes.

nodesSort [nodes]

Show the default sorting strategy used when attaching nodes to partitions.

Since the master node does all the resource management within the cluster, only the value on this node actually steers the behavior.

starter [nodes]

Show if the selected node(s) are allowed to start parallel tasks.

runjobs [nodes]

Show if the selected node(s) are allowed to run tasks.

overbook [nodes]

Show if the selected node(s) are allowed to be overbooked on user request.

rdppktloss [nodes]

Show RDP protocol's packet-loss rate.

rdpmaxretrans [nodes]

Show RDP protocol's maximum retransmission count.

exclusive [nodes]

Show flag marking if this nodes can be requested by users exclusively.

pinprocs [nodes]

Show flag marking if this nodes uses process pinning.

cpumap [nodes]

Show the CPU-slot to core mapping list for the selected nodes.

bindmem [nodes]

Show flag marking if this nodes uses binding as NUMA policy.

adminuser [nodes]

Show users allowed to start admin-tasks, i.e. unaccounted tasks.

admingroup [nodes]

Show groups allowed to start admin-tasks, i.e. unaccounted tasks.

rl_addressspace [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_AS on this node.

rl_core [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_CORE on this node.

rl_cpu [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_CPU on this node.

rl_data [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_DATA on this node.

rl_fsize [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_FSIZE on this node.

rl_locks [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_LOCKS on this node.

rl_memlock [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_MEMLOCK on this node.

rl_msgqueue [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE on this node.

rl_nofile [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_NOFILE on this node.

rl_nproc [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_NPROC on this node.

rl_rss [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_RSS on this node.

rl_sigpending [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_SIGPENDING on this node.

rl_stack [nodes]

Show RLIMIT_STACK on this node.

supplementaryGroups [nodes]

Show supplementaryGroups flag.

statusBroadcasts [nodes]

Show the maximum number of status broadcasts initiated by lost connections to other daemon.

rdpTimeout [nodes]

Show the RDP timeout configured in ms.

deadLimit [nodes]

Show the dead-limit of the RDP status module. See also parastation.conf(5).

statusTimeout [nodes]

Show the timeout of the RDP status module. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpClosedTimeout [nodes]

Show the closed timeout within the RDP facility in milliseconds. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpResendTimeout [nodes]

Show the resend timeout within the RDP facility in milliseconds. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpMaxACKPend [nodes]

Show the maximum ACK pending counter within the RDP facility. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpStatistics [nodes]

Show if RDP statistics are currently collected.

allowUserMap [nodes]

Show flag marking if this nodes will allow user to influence the mapping of processes to physical core.

maxStatTry [nodes]

Show the maximum number of tries to stat() an executable while spawning new processes.

accountPoll [nodes]

Show polling interval in seconds of accounter to retrieve more detailed information.

sleep [sec]

Sleep for sec seconds before continuing to parse the input.


Print various version numbers.

environment { list } [nodes]

Manage the ParaStation daemon environment.

list [key env] [nodes]

List the daemons environment variable env and its value on the selected nodes. If the option key env is omitted, the entire environment will be displayed.

echo string

Echo the given string to stdout. This command does not support control sequences like its counterpart /bin/echo.

Privileged directives

Some directives are only available for privileged users, i.e. only root can execute these directives.

add [nodes]

Start the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) on the selected node(s).

add only tries to start the ParaStation MPI daemon on the selected node(s). If it is not possible to start the daemon, no error message occurs. The current status of the nodes can be checked using the list directive.

hwstart [hw { hw | all } ] [nodes]

Start the declared hardware on the selected nodes.

Starting a specific hardware will be tried on the selected nodes regardless, if this hardware is specified for this nodes within the parastation.conf configuration file or not. On the other hand, if hw all is specified or the hw option is missing at all, only the hardware types specified within the configuration file are started.

Starting or stopping a specific communication hardware only concerns the ParaStation MPI part of hardware handling. I.e. stopping ethernet hardware should not touch the normal IP traffic running over this specific device.

hwstop [hw { hw | all } ] [nodes]

Stop the declared hardware on the selected nodes.

If hw all is specified or the hw option is missing at all, all running hardware for this node is stopped.

Starting or stopping a specific communication hardware only concerns the ParaStation MPI part of hardware handling. I.e. stopping ethernet hardware should not touch the normal IP traffic running over this specific device.

resolve [nodes]

Resolves a list of IDs to node names. Nodes selects one or more ranges of nodes. Nodes is either of the form s1[-e1]{,si[-ei]}*, where the s and e are positiv numbers representing ParaStation MPI IDs, or 'all'. Each comma-separated part of nodes denotes a range of nodes. If a range's '-e' part is missing, it represents a single node. In principle nodes might contain an unlimited number of ranges. If nodes value is 'all', all nodes of the ParaStation cluster are selected. If nodes is empty, the node range preselected via the 'range' command is used. The default preselected node range contains all nodes of the ParaStation MPI cluster.

As an extension nodes might also be a hostname that can be resolved into a valid ParaStation MPI ID.

reset [hw] [nodes]

Reset the ParaStation MPI daemon on all selected node(s). As a consequence all processes using the selected node(s) are killed!

If the option hw is given, additionally the communication hardware is brought into a known state. Executing reset hw is the same as using restart.

restart [nodes]

Restart the ParaStation MPI system on all selected node(s). This includes re-initialization of the communication hardware. On the selected node(s) the ParaStation MPI daemon processes are forced to reinitialize the ParaStation MPI cluster. As a consequence all processes using the selected node(s)s are killed!

This is the same as using reset hw.

set { maxproc { num | any } | user [ + | - ] { name | any } | group [ + | - ] { name | any } | psiddebug mask | master id | selecttime time | statusTimeout ms | statusBroadcasts num | deadLimit num | rdpdebug mask | rdpTimeout ms | rdpmaxretrans val | rdpResendTimeout ms | rdpRetrans count | rdpClosedTimeout ms | rdpMaxACKPend num | rdpStatistics bool | mcastdebug mask | freeOnSuspend { 0 | 1 } | handleOldBins { 0 | 1 } | starter { 0 | 1 } | runjobs { 0 | 1 } | overbook { 0 | 1 } | exclusive bool | pinprocs bool | bindmem bool | supplementaryGroups bool | maxStatTry num | cpumap map | allowUserMap bool | nodesSort { PROC | LOAD_1 | LOAD_5 | LOAD_15 | PROC+LOAD | NONE } | adminuser [ + | - ] { name | any } | admingroup [ + | - ] { name | any } } [nodes]

Modify various parameters of the ParaStation MPI system.

adminuser [ + | - ] { name | any } [nodes]

Grant authorization to start admin-tasks, i.e. task not blocking a dedicated CPU, to a particular or any user. Name might be a user name or a numerical UID. If name is preceded by a '+' or '-', this user is added to or removed from the list of adminusers respectively.

admingroup [ + | - ] { name | any } [nodes]

Grant authorization to start admin-tasks, i.e. task not blocking a dedicated CPU, to a particular or any group. Name might be a group name or a numerical GID. If name is preceded by a '+' or '-', this group is added to or removed from the list of admingroups respectively.

user [ + | - ] { name | any } [nodes]

Grant exclusive access on the selected node(s) to the special user name or to any user. If name is preceded by a '+' or '-', this user is added to or removed from the list of users respectively.

group [ + | - ] { name | any } [nodes]

Grant exclusive access on the selected node(s) to the special group name or to any group. If name is preceded by a '+' or '-', this group is added to or removed from the list of groups respectively.

maxproc { num | any } [nodes]

Limit the number of running ParaStation MPI processes on the selected node(s) to num or remove the limit.

selecttime time [nodes]

Set the timeout of the central select(2) of the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) to time seconds on the selected node(s).

This parameter can be set persistently via the SelectTime option within the ParaStation MPI configuration file parastation.conf(5).

master id [nodes]

Give the ParaStation daemon's some hints concerning the master node. This will actually trigger the daemon to connect the node with ParaStation MPI ID id.

psiddebug mask [nodes]

Set the debugging mask of the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) to mask on the selected node(s).

Mask is the bit-wise disjunction of the following bit-patterns:

Table 2. psid debug flags

0x0000001PSC_LOG_PARTPartitioning functions (i.e. PSpart_())
0x0000002PSC_LOG_TASKTask structure handling (i.e. PStask_())
0x0000004PSC_LOG_VERBVarious, less interesting messages
0x0000010PSID_LOG_SIGNALSignal handling
0x0000020PSID_LOG_TIMERTimer stuff
0x0000040PSID_LOG_HWHardware stuff
0x0000080PSID_LOG_RESETMessages concerning (partial) resets
0x0000100PSID_LOG_STATUSStatus determination
0x0000200PSID_LOG_CLIENTClient handling
0x0000400PSID_LOG_SPAWNSpawning clients
0x0000800PSID_LOG_TASKPStask_cleanup() call etc.
0x0001000PSID_LOG_RDPRDP messages
0x0002000PSID_LOG_MCASTMulticast messages
0x0004000PSID_LOG_VERBHigher verbosity (function call, etc.)
0x0008000PSID_LOG_SIGDBGMore verbose signaling stuff
0x0010000PSID_LOG_COMMGeneral daemon communication
0x0020000PSID_LOG_OPTIONOption handling
0x0040000PSID_LOG_INFOHandling of info request messages
0x0080000PSID_LOG_PARTPartition creation and management
0x0100000PSID_LOG_ECHOEcho each line to parse
0x0200000PSID_LOG_FILELogs concerning the file to parse
0x0400000PSID_LOG_CMNTComment handling
0x0800000PSID_LOG_NODEInfo concerning each node
0x1000000PSID_LOG_RESInfo on various resource to define
0x2000000PSID_LOG_VERBMore verbose stuff

This parameter can be set persistently via the LogMask option within the ParaStation MPI configuration file parastation.conf(5).

rdpdebug mask [nodes]

Set the debugging mask of the RDP protocol within the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) to mask on the selected node(s).


Unless you want to debug the RDP protocol (i.e. the secure protocol used by the daemons to talk to each other) this parameter is not really useful.

Mask is the bit-wise disjunction of the following bit patterns:

Table 3. RDP debug flags

0x0001RDP_LOG_CONNUncritical errors on connection loss
0x0002RDP_LOG_INITInfo from initialization (IP, FE, NFTS etc.)
0x0004RDP_LOG_INTRInterrupted syscalls
0x0008RDP_LOG_DROPMessage dropping and resequencing
0x0010RDP_LOG_CNTRControl messages and state changes
0x0020RDP_LOG_EXTDExtended reliable error messages (on linux)
0x0040RDP_LOG_COMMSending and receiving of data (huge! amount)
0x0080RDP_LOG_ACKSResending and acknowledging (huge! amount)

mcastdebug mask [nodes]

Set the debugging mask of the MCast protocol within the ParaStation MPI daemon psid(8) to mask on the selected node(s).


Unless you want to debug the MCast protocol (i.e. the protocol used by the daemons to ping alive-messages to each other) this parameter is not really useful.

Mask is the bit-wise disjunction of the following bit patterns:

Table 4. Multicast debug flags

0x0001MCAST_LOG_INITInfo from initialization (IP etc.)
0x0002MCAST_LOG_INTRInterrupted syscalls
0x0004MCAST_LOG_CONNT_CLOSE and new pings
0x0008MCAST_LOG_5MISEvery 5th missing ping
0x0010MCAST_LOG_MSNGEvery missing ping
0x0020MCAST_LOG_MSNGEvery received ping
0x0040MCAST_LOG_SENTEvery sent ping

freeOnSuspend [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Switch the freeOnSuspend flag on or off on the selected nodes.

The freeOnSuspend flag steers the behavior of the resource management concerning suspended jobs. Basically there are two possible approaches: Either the resources used by the suspended job are freed for other jobs (this is done, if the flag is set to 1) or they are kept occupied in order to preserve them exclusively for the time the job continues to run (this is the behavior as long as the flag has the value 0).

Since the master node does all the resource management within the cluster, only the value on this node actually steers the behavior.

This flag can be set persistently via the freeOnSuspend option within the ParaStation MPI configuration file parastation.conf(5).

handleOldBins [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Switch the compatibility flag for applications linked against version 4.0.x of ParaStation MPI on or off on the selected nodes.

nodesSort { PROC | LOAD_1 | LOAD_5 | LOAD_15 | PROC+LOAD | NONE } [nodes]

Define the default sorting strategy for nodes when attaching them to a partition. The different possible values have the following meaning:


Sort by the number of processes managed by ParaStation MPI on the corresponding nodes


Sort by the load average during the last minute on the corresponding nodes


Sort by the load average during the last 5 minutes on the corresponding nodes


Sort by the load average during the last 15 minutes on the corresponding nodes


Sort conforming to the sum of the processes managed by ParaStation MPI and the load average during the last minute on the corresponding nodes


Do not sort at all.

This only comes into play, if the user does not define a sorting strategy explicitly via PSI_NODES_SORT. Be aware of the fact that using a batch-system like PBS or LSF *will* set the strategy explicitly, namely to NONE.

overbook [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Define if this nodes shall be overbooked upon user-request (if flag is true) or if overbooking should be denied at all (false).

starter [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Define if starting jobs from this nodes should allowed (flag is true) or denied (false).

runjobs [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Define if running tasks on this nodes should be allowed (flag is true) or denied (false).

rdpmaxretrans val [nodes]

Set RDP protocol's maximum retransmission count.

exclusive [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Set flag marking if this nodes can be requested by users exclusively to bool. Relevant values are 'false', 'true', 'no', 'yes', 0 or different from 0.

pinprocs [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Set flag marking if this nodes will use process-pinning to bind processes to cores. Relevant values are 'false', 'true', 'no', 'yes', 0 or different from 0.

bindmem [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Set flag marking if this nodes will use memory-binding as NUMA policy. Relevant values are 'false', 'true', 'no', 'yes', 0 or different from 0.

cpumap map [nodes]

Set the map used to assign CPU-slots to physical cores to map. Map is a quoted string containing a space-separated permutation of the number 0 to Ncore-1. Here Ncore is the number of physical cores available on this node. The number of cores within a distinct node may be determined via 'list hw'. The first number in map is the number of the physical core the first CPU-slot will be mapped to, and so on.

allowUserMap [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

Set flag marking if this nodes will allow user to influence the mapping of processes to physical core. Relevant values are 'false', 'true', 'no', 'yes', 0 or different from 0.

supplementaryGroups [ 0 | 1 ] [nodes]

The supplementaryGroups flag defines whether a process spawned should belong to all groups (true) defined for this user or only to the primary group (false). Relevant values are 'false', 'true', 'no', 'yes', 0 or different from 0.

maxStatTry num [nodes]

Set the maximum number of tries to stat() an executable while spawning new processes to num. All numbers larger than 0 are allowed.

statusBroadcasts [ num ] [nodes]

Set the maximum number of status broadcasts initiated by lost connections to other daemons. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpTimeout [ ms ] [nodes]

Set the RDP timeout in ms for all selected nodes. See also parastation.conf(5).

deadLimit [ num ] [nodes]

Set the dead-limit of the RDP status module. After this number of consecutively missing RDP-pings, the master declares the node to be dead. Only relevant, if MCast is *not* used. See also parastation.conf(5).

statusTimeout [ ms ] [nodes]

Set the Timeout of the RDP status module. After this number of milliseconds a RDP-ping is sent to the master daemon. Additionally, the master daemon checks for received ping-messages. Only relevant, if MCast is *not* used. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpClosedTimeout [ ms ] [nodes]

Set the RDP closed timeout of the RDP status module. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpResendTimeout [ ms ] [nodes]

Set the RDP resend timeout of the RDP status module. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpRetrans [ count ] [nodes]

Set RDP protocol's total retransmission count. Most probably you want to reset this to 0.

rdpMaxACKPend [ num ] [nodes]

Set the maximum number of pending ACKs within the RDP facility. See also parastation.conf(5).

rdpStatistics [ bool ] [nodes]

Turn on or off collecting RDP statistics.

shutdown [nodes]

Shutdown the ParaStation MPI daemon on all selected node(s). As a consequence all processes using the selected node(s) are killed!

test [ quiet | normal | verbose ]

All communications links in a ParaStation MPI network are tested.


Quiet execution. Only a short message is printed if the test was successful.


Normal execution with some messages during runtime. This is the default.


Very verbose execution with many message during runtime.

environment [ set | unset ] [nodes]

Manage the ParaStation daemon environment.

set key env [nodes]

Set the environment variable key to env on the selected nodes. Env might get quoted in order to include whitespace characters.

unset key [nodes]

Unset the environment variable key on the selected nodes.


Upon startup, psiadmin tries to find .psiadminrc in the current directory or in the user's home directory. The first file found is parsed and the directives within are executed. Afterwards psiadmin goes into interactive mode unless the -f is used.

This file might be used to set some default ranges whenever psiadmin is invoked.


The startup file is ignored if the option -c is used.


No known errors.

See also

parastation.conf(5), psid(8), mlisten(1)