
psaccview — Print ParaStation MPI accounting information.


psaccview [ -? | --help ] [ -h | --human ] [ -nh | --noheader ] [ -l | --logdir=dir ] [ -e | --exit=exitcode ] [ -q | --queue=queue ] [ -u | --user=user ] [ -g | --group=group ] [ -j | --jobname=jobname ] [ -lj | --ljobs ] [ -lu | --ltotuser ] [ -lg | --ltotgroup ] [ -ls | --ltotsum ] [ -st | --stotopt=optstring ] [ -sj | --sjobopt=optstring ] [ -t | --timespan=period ] [ -b | --begin=yyyymmdd ] [ -e | --end=yyyymmdd ] [ --jsort=criteria ] [ --usort=criteria ] [ --gsort=criteria ] [ -v | --version ] [--usage]


Psaccview prints various accounting information from one or more accounting files written by the ParaStation MPI psaccounter. The data may be printed to be "human readable" or may be formated to be easily post-processed by other tools.


Output formatting output

-h, --human

Print times and timestamps in more human readable form.

-nh, --noheader

Suppress headers.

-st, --stotopt=optstring

Defines columns displayed within the user list, group list and the total summary list. Valid entries are: user, group, walltime, qtime, mem, vmem, cputime, jobs, cpuweight, aqtime and usage.

-sj, --sjobopt=optstring

Defines columns displayed within the detailed job list. Valid entries are: user, group, jobid, jobname, start, end, walltime, qtime, mem, vmem, cputime, cpuweight, queue, procs and exit.

Selecting entries in the input files

-e, --exit=exitcode

Show only entries with the given exit code. You can use "false" as exit code to get all jobs where the exit code is not equal to 0.

-q, --queue=queue

Shows only entries for the given queue.

-u, --user=user

Show only entries for the given user name.

-g, --group=group

Show only entries for the given group.

-j, --jobname=jobname

Show only entries for the given jobname.

Grouping jobs

-lj, --ljobs

Print detailed jobs list. Lists all jobs, one per line.

-lu, --ltotuser

Print user list. Lists job summary per user, one user per line.

-lg, --ltotgroup

Print group list. Lists job summary per group, one group per line.

-ls, --ltotsum

Print total job summary. Lists a summary of all jobs, only one line in total.

Defining time periods considered

-t, --timespan=period

Selects a period of time shown. Valid entries are today, week, month or all.

-b, --begin=yyyymmdd

Defines the first day of the period of time shown.

-e, --end=yyyymmdd

Defines the last day of the period of time shown.

Sort options


Selects the criteria where the job list is sorted by. Valid entries are user, group, jobid, jobname, start, end, walltime, qtime, mem, vmem, cputime, queue, procs and exit.


Selects the criteria where the user list is sorted by. Valid entries are user, jobs, walltime, qtime, mem, vmem, cputime, procs and cpuweight.


Selects the criteria where the group list is sorted by. Valid entries are group, jobs, walltime, qtime, mem, vmem, cputime, procs and cpuweight.

General Options

-l, --logdir=logdir

Look for accounting files in directory logdir.

-v, --version

Output version information and exit.

-?, --help

Show this help messages.


Display brief usage message.

Extended description

The command psaccview reads entries of the type "job terminated" from the specified input files. Files could be plain text, as written be the psaccounter, or compressed by gzip or bzip2. Refer to psaccounter(8) for more information.

Upon startup psaccview tries to find the file .psaccviewrc in the user's home directory. Within this file, predefined variables in the command my be re-defined. See the configuration section within the psaccview script.

The command expects one file per day, named as yyyymmdd, where yyyy represents the year, mm the month and dd the day for the data contained. If not otherwise specified by using options defining periods of time to be printed, all files within the accounting directory /var/account for the last week will read. Unavailable files will be silently ignored.

The output may be formated to print information of each particular job (job list), of a summary of all jobs per user (user list), of a summary of all jobs per group (group list) or as a total summary of all jobs. Multiple lists can be selected, by default all information is shown. Lists may be sorted by columns and may be filtered to only show information about a particular user, group, queue, jobname or job exit code.

The columns to be printed may be defined using formatting options. Available column names are:


Average queue time, only for total summary.


Total CPU time for this job.


Walltime * number of processes.


End time.


Exit code of the job.


Group the job owner belongs to.


ParaStation MPI internal task ID.


Job name.


Number of jobs, only for total summary.


Currently not supported.


Number of processes.


Queuetime, giving the delay between queuing a job and running it.


Queue name.


Start time.


Usage of a user or group of the overall walltime.


Job owner (user name).


Currently not supported.


Overall wall clock time for the job.

These column names may also be used for sorting lists, where applicable.


/var/account/* , /var/account/*.gz , /var/account/*.bz2

Accounting files, one per day.


Initialization file.

See also
