Configuring the test


An example configuration may be found in the directory /opt/parastation/share/doc/pshealtcheck.

The tests are defined using one or more configuration files located in the directory /etc/parastation/healthcheck/testconf.d. Typically, there is a file called tests.conf, but any other name would be also accepted. All files found in this directory are analyzed.

For each test, a section like

  classes = cs:admin
  testsets = reboot:prologue
  test = /opt/parastation/lib/checks/ethernet eth0 100
  timeout = 10
  killwait = 2

  classes = cs
  testsets = reboot
  test = /opt/parastation/lib/checks/md5sum

  classes = admin
  testsets = reboot
  test = /opt/parastation/lib/checks/md5sum

Figure 4.2. Example tests.conf file

is required. The strings in brackets define a test name and start a new section decribing the named test.

The following list numerates all parameters. They may be given in any order within a test section of the configuration file. Parameter and value are separated by an equal sign.

classes (mandatory)

A colon separated list of classes this test belongs to.

testsets (mandatory)

A colon separated list of test sets this test belongs to.

test (mandatory)

Command to be executed. Everything right of the equal sign is passed as-is to bash's eval.

timeout (default: 0)

Timeout for the test in seconds. If the timeout is reached before the test returns, a signal SIGTERM is sent to the process and it is handled as if it returned an error.

killwait (default: 1)

Time to wait between SIGTERM and SIGKILL in case the timeout of the test is reached.

The ordering of the tests within the configuration file defines the ordering the tests are run afterwards.

Within the previous example, three tests called ethernet_eth0, md5sum_parastation_cs and md5sum_parastation_admin are defined.

The test ethernet_eth0 is related to the classes cs and admin. It is part of the test sets reboot and prologue. The check itself is performed using the command /opt/parastation/lib/checks/ethernet using the parameters eth0 and 100. For information about the required parameters, take a look at the check itself. The check will be terminated after timeout seconds using signal SIGTERM. After killwait seconds, it will be killed using SIGKILL.

See also pshealthcheck(1), the section called “CONFIGURATION” and Appendix C.